"What made you choose this career?" - Charlotte
Read on for additional video footage from our interview, photos and MORE!
As a troop, we're spending the next year venturing out with this group of young girls (ages 8-10) exploring potential future career options. Inspiring the next generation of young women to dream big, one interview and experience at a time!
"When did you start skating? How old were you?" - Elara
This young woman was inspired by her mother, who is also a professional figure skater, to take to the ice at just 4 years old. She's been skating ever since! During our interview, she shared that she had her heart set on trying to make it to Disney on Ice from a very young age. Having now performed in over 23 countries with Disney on Ice, she's living her dream!
"How often do you practice?"
"Do you travel a lot? How many countries have you performed in?" - Milian
"What made you go down this career path?"-Samiya
After our interview was complete, it was time to watch our new friend in action on the ice! The girls sat mesmerized by the performance, as they watched the theatrics and physical feats that were unfolding. They were observing with a fresh perspective and appreciation, for all that it took for these figure skaters, to achieve their dream of skating with Disney on Ice.
That moment was everything. That's what this journey and series with our young Girl Scouts is all about! Teaching young girls to explore the world around them, to set goals early and to ultimately live out their dreams. I'm so excited to see how far they all will go!
Pure magic, great night!
Disney on Ice: It takes Persistence and Determination to be a Disney on Ice Skater
Ready to experience the magic of Disney on Ice for yourself? Grab your tickets to a show near you at: www.disneyonice.com/tickets
Our thanks to Feld Entertainment for hosting our Girl Scouts and for facilitating this interview.