These Woodland Animals Mini Embroidery Hoops For Kids turned out so cute, didn't they? They're incredibly easy to stitch together too! We even went ahead and made the Deer, Fox, and Owl 4" Embroidery Patterns/Templates available as a free printable (head to the link at the bottom of this post to grab your free printable templates/patterns.)
Hi friends, how have you been? We're back with another fun project today! This is project #6 in our Kids Sewing Series, here at One Savvy Mom™. These small woodland animals embroidery hoops only took my older daughter (11 yrs.) about 20-25 minutes each to stitch together. I helped her sketch out some patterns and shapes for the felt components, using a paper and pencil, first. Then, she cut them out and used them as a guide to cut her felt pieces. While we were sketching the shapes out, she proposed that I upload the patterns here as free printable templates, to make these little sewing projects a little easier for young children. So, that's what I did - I hope they help!
Read on for the simple supply lists to make these cute Woodland Animals Mini Hoops with the kids + grab your free printable deer, fox, and owl 4" embroidery hoop patterns/templates.
Woodland Animals Mini Hoops For Kids How-To
For the 4" Deer Embroidery Hoop
What you'll need:
- 4" Wooden embroidery Hoop
- (1) Fat quarter of light brown fabric (found for about $1 ea. at most craft stores)
- (1) Sheet of brown felt
- (1) Sheet / scrap piece black felt
- Dark brown embroidery floss
- Light brown embroidery floss
- Black embroidery floss
- A sewing/embroidery needle
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Our free printable 4" Deer Embroidery Hoop Template (cut all of the shapes out along the outermost black line, using scissors.)
- Cut a piece of light brown fabric from your "fat quarter" sized to fit your 4" hoop. Place it in the hoop. Pull until fabric is fairly tight. Tighten hoop to secure fabric in place.
- Cut all of the felt / fabric pieces needed for this project, using the template. Once cut, set pieces to the side.
- Start with the large center "mask" piece for the deer. Center it on your embroidery hoop - lining the top curve with the edge of the hoop (refer to imagery above and below.) Using an embroidery needle and dark brown embroidery floss, stitch around the entire outside edge of this piece, using a simple back-stitch.
- Once complete, using brown embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch stitch along the bottom of each "antler piece" affixing them to either side of your deer - making sure that they are evenly spaced out (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using black embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, stitch your black felt nose onto the end of the long center piece of the previously stitched felt deer "mask."
- Lay one of the light brown small ear pieces over top of one of the larger brown ear pieces. Pinch the pieces at the bottom, drive your needle through the center of the ear pieces (from outside left through the center to outside right. Use a simple stitch or two to affix the ear at the bottom of one of the previously stitched antler pieces. Repeat this step, to complete the second ear (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Next, use a pencil to lightly sketch your eyes onto the light brown fabric. Use black embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, to follow the pencil marks / create the eyes for your deer embroidery hoop (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using light brown thread, add 10-15 small cross stitches to the center of the deer "mask" / head (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using a simple back-stitch, and black embroidery floss, stitch on two eyes for your deer (you can use a pencil to lightly sketch where you want to place your eyes and how you'd like them shaped etc.)
4" Fox Embroidery Hoop
What you'll need:
- 4" Wooden embroidery Hoop
- (1) Fat quarter of white / ivory fabric (found for about $1 ea. at most craft stores)
- (1) Sheet of orange felt
- (1) Sheet / scrap piece of black felt
- (1) Sheet / scrap piece of white felt
- Orange embroidery floss
- Black embroidery floss
- White embroidery floss
- A sewing/embroidery needle
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Our free printable 4" Fox Embroidery Hoop Template (cut all of the shapes out along the outermost black line, using scissors.)
How to:
- Cut a piece of white / ivory fabric from your "fat quarter" sized to fit your 4" hoop. Place it in the hoop. Pull until fabric is fairly tight. Tighten hoop to secure fabric in place.
- Cut all of the felt / fabric pieces needed for this project, using the template. Once cut, set pieces to the side.
- Start with the large center orange "mask" piece for the fox. Center it on your embroidery hoop -lining the top curve with the edge of the hoop (refer to imagery above and below.) Using an embroidery needle and orange embroidery floss, stitch around the entire outside edge of this piece, using a simple back-stitch.
- Using black embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, stitch your black triangle felt nose onto the end of the long center piece of the previously stitched felt fox "mask."
- Use black embroidery floss, and one simple cross-stitch to affix each of the black eye pieces (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Use white embroidery floss, and one simple straight stitch to affix the small white eye center pieces (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Lay one of the white center ear pieces over top of one of the larger orange outer ear pieces. Stitch the pieces together, using orange embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch. Use orange embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch (along the bottom of the ear) to affix the ear to one side of the previously stitch "mask" piece. Repeat this step, to complete the second ear. Add the second ear to the other side - making sure that they are evenly spaced (refer to imagery above and below.)
4" Owl Embroidery Hoop
What you'll need:
- 4" Wooden embroidery Hoop
- (1) Black patterned fabric (found for about $1 ea. at most craft stores)
- (1) Sheet of black felt
- (1) Sheet / scrap piece of white felt
- Ombre embroidery floss + a selection of embroidery floss in a few different colors of your choice
- Black embroidery floss
- White embroidery floss
- A sewing/embroidery needle
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Our free printable 5"Owl Embroidery Hoop Template (cut all of the shapes out along the outermost black line, using scissors.)
How to:
- Cut a piece of black patterned fabric from your "fat quarter" sized to fit your 4" hoop. Place it in the hoop. Pull until fabric is fairly tight. Tighten hoop to secure fabric in place.
- Cut all of the felt / fabric pieces needed for this project, using the template. Once cut, set pieces to the side.
- Start with the small black felt "mask" piece for the owl. Center it on your embroidery hoop (refer to imagery above and below.) Using an embroidery needle and black embroidery floss, stitch around the entire outside edge of this piece, using a simple back-stitch.
- Using color contrasting embroidery floss and a simple back-stitch, stitch each of your owl wings - on either side of your embroidery hoop (lining the each wing directly with the edge of the embroidery hoop on either side.)
- Lay the large white circle felt eye pieces over top of the previously stitched "mask" piece. Note the eyes will overlap over the wings slightly.) Now, lay the black circle felt eye center pieces over top of the white pieces. Use black embroidery floss, and just one large cross-stitch to affix your eye pieces (right through the center of the black center felt pieces - refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using contrasting embroidery floss, stitch two little legs /claws for your owl, using a simple straight stitch (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using Ombre embroidery floss, stitch several cross-stitches on each of your owl's wings (refer to imagery above and below.)
- Using contrasting thread and a simple straight-stitch in a random / uneven zig-zag pattern, create a feathered look for your owl on the plain black patterned fabric space in between your owl wings.)
Hang your completed Woodland Animal Mini Hoops, and enjoy OR gift to someone special! These little Woodland Animal themed Mini Embroidery Hoops would also look SUPER CUTE as ornaments on a Christmas tree! I know, I know - it's only Fall! But still … just add a little piece of ribbon at the top center to hang them. So CUTE!
You can grab all 3 of the FREE printable patterns/templates for these Woodland Animals 4" Embroidery Hoops, by CLICKING HERE. Happy sewing, friends!