Read on for the easy supply list and tutorial below, to make your own embroidered handprints wall hanging.
Embroidered Handprints How-To
What you'll need:
- A pencil
- Scissors
- Construction paper
- A hot glue gun and low temp hot glue sticks (to finish the embroidery hoop after you've stitched the handprints)
- Fabric (we used an inexpensive flour sack towel for the pictured project)
- A 8", 10", or 12" embroidery hoop (depending on how many handprints you are embroidery / the size of the hands you're embroidering)
- A needle
- Embroidery floss in your choice of colors(a different color for each handprint)
- Optional: felt, to add a small heart to the center of the smallest handprint on your embroidered handprints wall hanging.
- Start by securing your fabric in your embroidery hoop.
- Using a pencil and construction paper, trace / outline each persons right hand.
- Now, cut out each handprint.
- Using a pencil, trace each construction paper cutout handprint onto your fabric (start with the largest handprint and work your way down to the smallest handprint.)
- Next, using a needle embroidery floss, and a simple back-stitch, stitch the entire outline of the largest handprint. Once complete move onto the next handprint. Use a different color of embroidery floss for each handprint. (see below for step-by-step imagery on how to do a simple back-stitch if this is your first time sewing.)
- Optional: Cut out a small felt heart and stitch it to the center of the smallest hand. Using a simple back-stitch, stitch the current year adjacent to your embroidered handprints.
- Finish your embroidered handprints wall hanging by pulling your fabric tight in your embroidery hoop. When the fabric is tight, cut the excess fabric off, leaving about 1/4" of fabric. Using the glue gun and low temp hot glue sticks, glue the 1/4" excess to the inside (wooden portion) of the embroidery hoop.
Hand and enjoy OR gift to someone special!
First time sewing? Here's a simple back stitch how-to with step by step imagery:
Like this sewing project? Check out these other fun projects from our Kids Sewing Series:

Happy sewing, friends!