This post is brought to you by Create the Good. The content and opinions expressed below are that of One Savvy Mom TM.
These four. I don't know what I would do without them, friends. They're my world.
As I sat down to write this, I had to get up and walk away from the keyboard a few times. Every time I began to type, the tears came quicker than the words. You see, I never thought that I'd find myself in this situation again, with another one of my children.
For those of you who may be new here, I'll start at the beginning.
Nearly seven years ago now, I walked into a Pediatric specialists' office, with my oldest daughter. At the time, I didn't know what was wrong. But I knew deep down, that something was horribly amiss. She had lost her voice suddenly one day; and it never returned. We had taken her to the ER when it first occurred. The noise that she was producing was raspy and breathy, and startling to hear as a parent. She didn't have a fever. They sent us home, and advised us to follow up with our pediatrician in the morning. We did. We gave her a course of antibiotics. When her voice still didn't return, we explored possibly giving her another round of antibiotics with the pediatrician. We took her to several follow-up appointments. We did everything we could possibly think of. However, over the course of several weeks, her voice still hadn't returned. Her voice hadn't even improved slightly. Some days, it actually sounded worse.
Despite being reassured by several doctors, I still had this nagging feeling that something wasn't right. Friends, I would have loved to have been wrong. But in this instance, I was right. A simple procedure revealed that my daughter had a mass growing on her vocal fold. If I had let it go - if I had listened to all of those reassuring words from the other doctors - things could be very different for our family today. I am forever in debt to the doctor that listened to our concerns, and explored a little further. Her efforts and quick thinking, saved my daughters life.
Since experiencing this challenge with our daughter I have entered into each new year, with an immense amount of gratitude for my children's health - and for the doctor who gifted that to us by helping her. Each year we return to the hospital, just before the holiday season with gifts. For the children who are bravely battling for their health, and for their parents who are courageously hugging them through it; during a season that should be nothing but joyous.
This holiday season, I will be among those parents who are hugging their children through it. Friends, my toddler is sick.
It's something that I've kept to myself for months now. I was pregnant with my fourth child when it all started. I didn't know when, or how, or even if, I would share this here. We have been back and forth to the pediatrician and a host of specialists', and there's so much more to come. He has been poked and prodded, for months. As a parent, it has been agonizing to watch. As a parent you just want to make it all better for them - but sometimes you can't. My God, there's literally NOTHING harder in this world, than not being able to fix it all for our children. NOTHING.
Alas, I can't make this right for him. I have to put all of my hope, faith, and trust in the team of doctors that we've carefully selected, and hug him through it. I am still not ready to share all of the details just yet; but in time. If for nothing more than to help other parents, who may also be walking through similar situations.
While this has been and continues to be, very difficult; I've gleaned inspiration from the doctors who are helping our son. Their dedication is admirable, and we're so incredibly grateful that they do what they do.
This holiday season, I will be nominating one doctor in particular who has had a hand in helping {and who continues to help} our son - for the 25 Days 25 Ways to Care contest. She is our angel; words can't even express.

Have you been inspired by a caretaker, or have you been one yourself? They are often the people that do the most and receive the least recognition. Create the Good wants to change that with their 25 Days 25 Ways contest. Share your personal story of a special caretaker in a video submission, and nominate them today! "Caretakers" include; multi-generational households, teachers, babysitters, coaches, parents, police, medical professionals, first responders, and mentors.
There are daily random sweepstakes drawings for one gift card per day, over the 25 days; one $2, 500 sweepstakes grand prize donation will go to the winning nominee's charity of choice.
How will you help to "Create the Good" in your community, this holiday season?