Did you have a chance to catch this gem in the movie theaters? We fell in love with Arlo and Spot when they made their debut on the big screen in The Good Dinosaur, and we were all so excited to sit down to watch it again on Blu-ray last weekend.
Check out some of the fun content from the movie below, along with some of the great bonus features that you'll find on the DVD & Blu-ray. PLUS print out the 9 FREE Printable The Good Dinosaur Coloring pages below, and MORE!
We absolutely love the story and message of perseverance and friendship that The Good Dinosaur imparts to young viewers. The animation is stunning and the bonus features on the DVD & Blu-ray offer up a ton of fun for the entire family. You'll find a ton of fun content and games to explore after the movie is over - perfect for your next family movie night!
Special Features include:
- Sanjay’s Super Team
- True Lies About Dinosaurs
- Recyclosaurus
- The Filmmakers’ Journey
- Every Part of the Dinosaur
- Following the T-Rex Trail
- Dino Bites
- Hide and Seek
- Moment – Domestic Trailer 2
- Courage – Russian Trailer
- Different – German Trailer
- Commentary
- Deleted Scenes

The Good Dinosaur asks the question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely, and giant dinosaurs never became extinct? In this epic journey into the world of dinosaurs, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.
Bring home this original story full of humor, heart, action and imagination, perfect for the whole family!
For more on The Good Dinosaur, visit: http://movies.disney.com/the-good-din...
Disclosure: A review copy was received.*