Check out the full printable card game below, along with instructions on how to play, and a quick tutorial on how to assemble the card game. Also, see how you can easily make the surface of your cards compatible with dry-erase markers. So that the kids can play again and again, each time that you head to the supermarket!

What you'll need:
- Printer
- Our 4 free printables (see below) - include 22 game cards, 1 title card, and 1 tally card
- Scissors or Paper cutter
- Single hole punch
- Card stock
- Clear / transparent contact paper, self stick laminating sheets, or laminating machine with laminating sheets (we used transparent contact paper on the completed cards pictured).
- 1 metal book ring / binder ring ( we found them in an 8 pack in the stationary section at Walmart for $1.88)
- Scrapbook paper (optional - we mounted our cards on fun patterned scrapbook paper before covering them with clear contact paper)
- Glue stick (optional - if mounting your cards on scrapbook paper)
- Ruler (optional - to create straight edges/clean lines if mounting your cards on scrapbook paper and you don't have a paper cuter on hand)
- A dry erase marker to record / tally your box top points as you find them / when your finished shopping and are tallying your Box Tops (easily wipes clean from the clear contact paper / laminate with a paper towel when the game is complete).

How to:
- Print all four pages of cards below using our free printable images. To print, right click on the image. Select to save/print. Note: each of the printables / image files below are sized to fit 8 x 10 paper/card stock.
- Cut each of the cards out (using the blue outline on each card as a guide).
- Optional step: Mount each your cards on card stock using craft glue stick. Allow adequate time for drying. Cut your cards out leaving a 1/4" outline, so the scrapbook paper shows.
- Laminate your cards front/back either using a laminator and laminate sheets, self stick laminator sheets, or clear/transparent contact paper.
- Use the circle at the top of each card as a guide, and use a hole punch to create a hole on each of your cards for handy storage on a binder ring or book ring, for easy toting while at the supermarket.

How to play Supermarket Scavenger:
Use your Supermarket Scavenger Card game to locate as many of the products found on your cards with the maximum Box Tops Points per product, in 30 minutes. Record the total number of Box Tops earned for each product that you find and add to your cart.Tally it all up at the end of your shopping trip! Record how many products you find, along with the total Box Top points that you've earned this
shopping trip, on your tally card. The person with the most products found / Box Top points earned, WINS! But be sure to remember that no matter who wins the game, it is YOUR school that ultimately WINS!

Did you know? Box Tops are worth $0.10 for your child's school, and that Box Tops For Education is one of America's largest school earnings loyalty programs? Over 80,000 k-8 schools participate in the program! Participating schools can use Box Tops cash to buy whatever they need. All-in, Box Tops for Education has contributed over $525 million to participating schools, since the launch of the program in 1996.
While you're shopping, be sure to take advantage of the Walmart Bonus Box Tops offer, on select General Mills® products! Learn more about the Walmart Bonus Box Tops offer (see a full list of participating items) and the Box Tops for Education™ program at www.walmart.com/boxtops

Print your FREE Supermarket Scavenger Shopping Game Cards below, and start playing to WIN for YOUR school today!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.