Both of my older children have an adoration for science, reading, history, language arts, gym, art, and music. Math though? That's an entirely different story. They both do well in math however, because it doesn't come as naturally to them, they aren't very fond of it.

I've definitely had my successes and failures over the years, when it comes to generating enthusiasm for learning and schoolwork {especially when it comes to math!}
Here are my top 5 Tips for getting the kids excited about learning this school year:
- Create an environment that fosters learning. Set up a space in your home that creates an environment conducive to productivity and learning. Maybe it's a desk and computer station in the kitchen, Perhaps its a quiet space in your child's room. Wherever it is, make sure that the space is allocated just for homework/schoolwork.
- Set them up with the proper tools for success. Make sure that your children have all of the proper tools for success, at home and at school. Have plenty of pens, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue, craft paper, and scissors on hand for schoolwork, homework, and projects. Making sure that they're aren't any deterrents to completing assignments, such as lack of supplies, can be half the battle!
- Make it fun! Learning doesn't always have to be serious! Keep learning fun by setting benchmark goals and rewards, for younger and older children. We all need goals, and working towards a reward is a great life lesson. As children grow older, they will learn that their reward for hard work and a job well done, is a paycheck. It's never too soon to start teaching/enforcing this concept.
- Make it a game! Create a fun game to help make harder to learn concepts fun for your kids. I created a fun supermarket scavenger hunt card game for my kids. The reusable laminated (dry-erase) cards allow them to hunt for products at the grocery store that contain Box Tops for their school. They write down / add how many products they find, and tally the total number of box tops earned during our shopping trip. They're learning 3 fold during every shopping trip; how to shop smart, how to give back, and they're building/enforcing simple math concepts.
- Be consistent and get involved. Consistency is key to getting your kids excited about learning. Start strong and finish stronger! Get excited in the beginning of the year and keep kinds engaged by maintaining your enthusiasm and interest for all that they are learning throughout the school year. Pick a time, such as dinnertime to connect with your child and show interest in all of the new things that they are learning. BONUS! By engaging the kids in conversation related to the concepts that they are learning in school, you are further enforcing the lessons they are learning. You're also helping them to commit the knowledge to their long-term memory. Get involved and teach your kids the importance of giving back / school pride! Investing in your school by collecting Box Tops or by arranging a Box Tops drive, is a great way to get involved!

I've shared my top 5 ways for getting kids excited about learning, in honor of the Bonus Box Tops offer on select General Mills ® products at Walmart {where you can earn 5 Box Tops for YOUR school with the purchase of specially marked General Mills ® products!}. Learn more about the Bonus Box Tops offer at www.walmart.com/boxtops .
Keep an eye out for our free printable Supermarket Scavenger card game post (pictured above), next week. It's a fun game that I created to get kids excited about grocery shopping, math, and collecting Box Tops for Education™ for their school!
How do you get your kids excited about learning? Share in a comment below!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.