This is my first born.
He made me a mommy. While all three of my children have taught me amazing invaluable lessons, he taught me how to be a mother. In those first few weeks after he was born, I learned things about myself that I never thought possible. The unconditional, insurmountable amounts of love that motherhood ushers in, is indescribable. Just indescribable.
He made me a mommy. While all three of my children have taught me amazing invaluable lessons, he taught me how to be a mother. In those first few weeks after he was born, I learned things about myself that I never thought possible. The unconditional, insurmountable amounts of love that motherhood ushers in, is indescribable. Just indescribable.
I will never forget those first few days after he was born. We
spent three days in the hospital. The night before we went home, he
stayed in the room with me all night. I barely slept. Not because he was fussy;
he was actually quite laid back. I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. He
was perfect.
The next day, when it was time to leave the hospital, I found
myself in a bit of an unexpected state of panic. My husband had gone to
retrieve the car and we found ourselves alone in a quiet moment, while we were
waiting for the nurse to come in with the wheelchair. A Nun passed by the room
and she must have seen the look of distress on my face. She told me how
beautiful the baby was and asked how I was feeling. In that moment I broke
down. I told her how scared I was and how fearful I was that I would make a
What she said next, I will remember for the rest of my life.
She said "dear, do you know how many millions of things had to align in the universe, for you to be holding that beautiful child in your arms today? It was no mistake. He is your miracle. Every child is a miracle. You are blessed and you will do just fine." It took my breath away.
She said "dear, do you know how many millions of things had to align in the universe, for you to be holding that beautiful child in your arms today? It was no mistake. He is your miracle. Every child is a miracle. You are blessed and you will do just fine." It took my breath away.
Honestly, it didn't instantly eliminate every fear that I had of
motherhood, it certainly changed my perspective though. While I'm sure that I
shuddered with every bump and turn that we took on our way home that day, I was
more confident in my own personal abilities to mother.
After all, he was {and is} my miracle. knows how stressful that first ride home with baby can
be. They want to help alleviate some of that stress for families this holiday
season, with their "Baby's First Ride Home" program. New York City
families that welcome newborns in the month of December can receive a free ride
home (up to $50), compliments of
The new program will provide free rides home from all Manhattan hospitals for
newborns and their families from December 10th through Christmas day.
Parents interested in the program can contact the 24/7
customer care team at 1-800-DIAPERS the day of their discharge to receive a $50
Lyft credit to use towards baby's first ride home from the hospital. Go to for further details and specific instructions. No strings. No purchase necessary. Just
their gift to you, during this busy hectic season of life.
In addition, offers new customers $10 off their first
case of diapers and all customers can get $5 off cases through March 31, 2015
with code GIMMEFIVE at checkout.
AMAZING, right? That's why we love I have so much love for brands
that show love to their consumers. I don't see that often these days, so when I
do, it definitely brings a big smile to my face.
If you, or someone you know is expecting in the NYC area this
holiday season, be sure to take advantage of and share the
"Baby's First Ride Home Program".
**This post contains sponsored content. All thoughts and opinions expressed are our own.